Tekla Structures 2024

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Tekla Structures is a building information modeling software able to model structures that incorporate different kinds of building materials, including steel, concrete, timber and glass. Tekla allows structural drafters and engineers to design a building structure and its components using 3D modeling, generate 2D drawings and access building information. Tekla Structures was formerly known as Xsteel (X as in X Window System, the foundation of the Unix GUI).

#Business #Development #Desktop #Editor's choice #Education #Internet

Deliver truly constructible data

Have everything you need to improve BIM accuracy, utilize data, and reduce costly surprises. Enhance the profitability with the highest level of development (LOD) and reduce the uncertainty of uncoordinated construction documents.

Collaborate with ease

Import, export and link your model data with other project parties, software, digital construction tools, and machinery for smoother workflows. For example, you can link with architectural, MEP and plant design software through IFC.

Have software and support in your language

Work with game-changing software solutions that fit into your unique culture and processes. Software and training are available in over 15 languages, so stay educated and informed. With Tekla, you can be in the driving seat and have control over every project.

Download: 3,11 GB
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